Administrative Licensing
At Hanis Irvine Prothero, you’ll find one of the top law firms for Administrative Licensing Law in South King County, covering Tukwila, Renton, Kent, Federal Way, Enumclaw and Auburn, as well as Seattle, Bellevue and Tacoma. Find out more about our Administrative law practice below.
Anytime a professional faces denial, loss or limitation upon his or her professional license or registration, a business law attorney with relevant licensing law experience should be sought. The state licensing entities wield substantial power over licensees checked only by the confines of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) and statutory schemes governing each profession. Therefore, having a business lawyer who understands the regulations is critical to avoiding unnecessary or exceedingly harsh deprivations.
The lawyers at Hanis Irvine Prothero have extensive experience dealing with licensing law and can therefore provide professionals with the tools they need to navigate the system. We recognize that dealing with government agencies can be an incredibly stressful experience and we can ameliorate this stress by providing a complete explanation of the process. We will also evaluate each professional’s situation and assure that the agency is complying with all administrative requirements. We will provide aggressive representation at each stage of the administrative process including initial licensure denials, contested administrative hearings, settlement conferences and administrative appeals.
Anytime your license or professional registration is threatened you face a threat to your livelihood. Our office can work with you to find the best solution for your situation by providing an individualized defense.