When parents in Kent decide to divorce, the decisions they make regarding their post-divorce future affect not only them but also their child. Children go through enough emotionally when their parents divorce; they should not be subjected to undue stress after the...
Serving South King County and the Surrounding Areas.
Family Law
What should be included in a parenting plan?
When parents in Washington divorce, they may be able to work out a parenting plan between themselves. This may be preferrable to a trial, as the parents will have more say in what goes into the parenting plan if they negotiate the terms of the plan itself. There are...
How do divorce courts handle retirement accounts?
If you have an upcoming divorce, you are no doubt thinking about how the court will divide your assets. Like most Americans, your retirement account is probably one of your most valuable assets, and you might wonder whether half of it will go to your spouse or whether...
Parenting plans for children are important aspects of divorce
During divorces there are many different ways that couples in Washington need to separate their lives. They will physically separate their residences and each begin living in different homes. People will also need to separate their possessions. This includes bank...
What are my options if I need to move with my kids?
Many parents in Kent and other parts of King County will at some point have to move. Whether it is for a better job opportunity that promises greater economic stability for the family or because of important family reasons, like a sick relative, most parents do not...
Don’t let parental substance abuse harm your child
Substance abuse continues to be a problem across our state and our country. While drug and alcohol use certainly has ramifications for those who are addicted, it can also have a profound impact on children who are exposed to it. If that concerns you because your child...
Dividing community property
The end of a marriage is an emotional experience, but the divorce process itself is largely one of technical details and arguing over money. Of course, these arguments themselves can get quite emotional. The division of property is the most time-consuming, complicated...
Four benefits of a prenuptial agreement
When a King County area couple gets engaged, they are filled with excitement and anticipation for their upcoming nuptials. Wedding planning is something that couples enjoy and can take years. There are venues to visit, dresses to try on, and honeymoons to plan. Amid...
How to rebuild life following family law proceeding of divorce
The process of getting divorced in Washington is a lot like going on a wild roller coaster ride. Unfortunately, this type of family law proceeding can leave a person feeling helpless and as though his or her life is spinning out of control. However, a couple of...
Family law: Protecting a business in the event of divorce
When a couple marries, neither spouse thinks divorce will ever happen to them. Unfortunately, many couples do find themselves dealing with the end of their relationship at some point and turn to a family law attorney to help them with the difficult process of...