Drunk driving charges can result in criminal penalties and administration consequences. One of the most significant consequences drivers accused of a DUI can face include the loss of their driver’s license. A driver who has been charged with drunk driving should understand drunk driving defenses and driver’s license suspension penalties they are facing.
Driver’s license suspension following a drunk driving arrest
The accused driver’s license will be suspended following a drunk driving arrest unless the driver requests a hearing within 7 days of the DUI arrest and the hearing examiner decides in the accused driver’s favor. If the accused driver does not request a hearing or the hearing examiner does not decide in the accused driver’s favor, their license will be suspended for 90 days to 2 years. The accused driver’s license suspension will begin 30 days from the date they were arrested.
Driver’s license suspension following a drunk driving conviction
The accused driver’s license will be suspended following a DUI conviction for 90 days to 4 years. The length of the suspension will depend on any prior offenses and the severity of the incident. The driver’s license suspension will begin 45 days from notice from the court of the conviction. Even if the hearing examiner decides in the accused driver’s favor, if they are convicted of the DUI charges, their licenses will be suspended.
The impact of a driver’s licenses suspension or revocation on the accused driver can be significant. For that reason, it is essential for drivers accused of drunk driving to be familiar with criminal defense options to help them refute the drunk driving charges they are facing.