Many international students find their educational experience in the U.S. to be worthwhile. As such, they oftentimes desire to stay in America to build a new life for themselves and their families. Yet, student visas are limited in duration, which can create a lot of stress for those who will be graduating soon. These individuals may be asking themselves if there’s anything they can do to remain in the U.S. The answer is “yes.”
Post-graduation visa options
There are a number of visas that a graduate may be able to obtain once their student visa expires. Here are some of them:
- The practical training visa, which allows for up to a year of post-graduate on-hands training
- An H-1B employment visa, which requires sponsorship from an employer and can last for up to six years total while also allowing close family members to enter the U.S.
- A religious worker visa, which is valid for three years with the potential to renew it for an additional two years
- Intra-company transfer visas, which allow individuals who work for foreign companies to transfer to the U.S. for five or seven years, depending on their position within the company
These are just a few of the options that may be available to a student who is looking to remain the U.S. There are other avenues that may be open to you, so be sure to discuss your circumstances with an experienced immigration attorney.
Be confident when navigating the immigration system
We know that America’s immigration laws are complex and hard to understand. That’s why we diligently work with our clients to ensure that they know all of their legal options and how to choose the one that is right for them. So, if you’re facing immigration issues or simply have a question about your immigration status, then please consider giving a law firm like ours a call.