Attorneys and paralegals from the Community Association Law Team of Hanis Irvine Prothero, PLLC will be attending Washington State Community Association Institute’s (WSCAI) Community Association Day (CA Day) on Saturday, September 26, 2015. CA Day is Washington’s largest annual event dedicated to educating condominium and homeowner Association members and community association managers. Commencing at 8:30 am, participants can attend 12 education-based workshops, visit 143 industry-specific exhibitors at the trade show (including HIP), and have lunch during a keynote presentation with a subsequent question and answer time. The educational workshops cover a range of topics including essentials on electronic communication for notices, voting and websites, budgeting, challenges to amending Governing Documents, key leadership skills, effective dispute-resolution tactics and secrets to Board success. For more information and to register, visit the WSCAI website at or call (425) 778-6378. We’ll see you there!
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