Serving South King County and the Surrounding Areas.

50th Annual Phil Biege Golf Tournament

On Behalf of | Aug 14, 2013 | Uncategorized |

The 50th Annual Phil Biege Golf Tournament was held July 26th at Riverbend Golf Course in Kent.  The tournament involves judges, lawyers, legal assistants and friends in south King County.  The men’s low score was turned in by repeat champion John Curry.  The women’s low score title went to Karla Jensen.  The Judge’s Low Score champion was the Honorable Brian Gain of King County Superior Court.  The South King County Bar Association hosts the annual event and supplied the food, drinks, and awards.  A fun time was had by all, despite some golf scores that looked like temperature readings from Death Valley.  A huge thanks to the organizer of the event,  SKCBA Board Member and partner at Hanis Irvine Prothero.
